
Studio Documentation

textThis section contains a variety of documentation for RiverStar Studio and other related information.

  • About Studio
  • Collaboration
  • Data Collection
    • Fields
      Presents a variety of field types to store and present special types of data.
      • Checkbox
        Used for data that can be only one of two possible values, such as Yes/No, True/False, or On/Off.
      • Custom
        Used for including custom field types that do not contain the attributes of standard field types.
      • Date and Time
        Used for storing date and time related data.
      • Dropdown List
        Used for presenting a “pick list” of predetermined values.
      • HTML
        Used for adding HTML to your pages.
      • Multiline Text
        Used for lengthy text and numbers, such as notes or descriptions.
      • Numeric
        Used for integers to be included in mathematical calculations.
      • Radio Button
        Used when a collection of options is required.
      • String
        Used for text, combinations of text and numbers, or numbers that do not require calculations.
    • Matrices
      Comprised of collection of columns and rows containing fields, panels and other objects.
    • Maps
      An XML structure comprised of existing fields and matrices within your project.
  • Flow Control
    • Actions
      Allows users to define a variety of specific functions or behaviors to be executed during call interactions.
      • Advanced
        Actions pertaining to escaping, encoding, setting focus, setting languages and javascript.
          Allows you to encode values appended to a URL used in a redirect.
        • ESCAPE HTML
          Allows reserved HTML characters to be properly displayed in the browser as normal text.
          Appends JavaScript to the page load event.
          Appends JavaScript to the page validate function.
        • REDIRECT
          Allows you to redirect your script to the specified URL.
        • SET FOCUS
          Allows you to set the keyboard focus of the web browser to the specified field, matrix, or action.
        • SET FOCUS TOP
          Sets the browser focus to the top of the page.
        • SET LANGUAGE
          Sets the language for the target environment.
      • Event
        Actions pertaining to specific event handling.
      • Map
        Actions pertaining to the loading/unloading of map content.
        • LOAD MAP
          Actions pertaining to the loading/unloading of map content.
        • UNLOAD MAP
          Actions pertaining to the loading/unloading of map content.
      • Module
        Actions pertaining to the manipulation of modules.
      • Basic
        Actions pertaining to common commands, such as set, execute, alert and more.
        • ALERT
          Displays an alert to the user at runtime.
        • CAPTURE
          Captures the contents of a page into a field or as free-form text.
        • COMMAND
          Adds the specified line of text into the generated code for the action.
        • COMMENT
          Displays an alert to the user at runtime.
        • DIM
          Used to manually declare variables.
        • EXECUTE
          Allows you to select other predefined actions to be executed as part of this action.
        • RESPONSE
          Allows data to be sent back in response to another command.
        • SET
          Allows specific fields or variables to be set equal to a field, variable, or static value.
      • Branch
        Actions associated with various branching conditions, including pagination, navigation to other flows or streams, and getting contextual areas.
        • BRANCH
          Actions associated with various branching conditions, including pagination, navigation to other flows or streams, and getting contextual areas.
        • GET CONTEXT
          Actions associated with various branching conditions, including pagination, navigation to other flows or streams, and getting contextual areas.
          Actions associated with various branching conditions, including pagination, navigation to other flows or streams, and getting contextual areas.
          Actions associated with various branching conditions, including pagination, navigation to other flows or streams, and getting contextual areas.
          Actions associated with various branching conditions, including pagination, navigation to other flows or streams, and getting contextual areas.
          Actions associated with various branching conditions, including pagination, navigation to other flows or streams, and getting contextual areas.
        • NEXT PAGE
          Actions associated with various branching conditions, including pagination, navigation to other flows or streams, and getting contextual areas.
        • NEXT STREAM
          Actions associated with various branching conditions, including pagination, navigation to other flows or streams, and getting contextual areas.
          Actions associated with various branching conditions, including pagination, navigation to other flows or streams, and getting contextual areas.
          Actions associated with various branching conditions, including pagination, navigation to other flows or streams, and getting contextual areas.
        • RESTART
          Actions associated with various branching conditions, including pagination, navigation to other flows or streams, and getting contextual areas.
      • Conditional
        Actions derived from various conditional statements.
        • ELSE
          Actions derived from various conditional statements.
        • ELSEIF
          Actions derived from various conditional statements.
        • ENDIF
          Actions derived from various conditional statements.
        • ENDWHILE
          Actions derived from various conditional statements.
        • IF
          Actions derived from various conditional statements.
        • WHILE
          Actions derived from various conditional statements.
      • Interface
        Actions used to call various interface objects.
        • API
          Actions used to call various interface objects.
        • DATA LOAD
          Actions used to call various interface objects.
        • DATA SAVE
          Actions used to call various interface objects.
        • DATABASE
          Actions used to call various interface objects.
        • EMAIL
          Actions used to call various interface objects.
        • FILE
          Actions used to call various interface objects.
        • PDF
          Actions used to call various interface objects.
        • PROJECT BOOK
          Actions used to call various interface objects.
        • RIGHTNOW
          Actions used to call various interface objects.
        • WSDL
          Actions used to call various interface objects.
        • XML
          Actions used to call various interface objects.
      • Matrix
        Actions pertaining to the manipulation of matrix content, such as adding/deleting/getting rows, sorting and more.
        • ADD ROW
          Appends a new row to the selected matrix.
        • DELETE ROW
          Removes the currently selected row in the selected matrix.
        • EXIT FOR
          Used for escaping the FOR EACH ROW loop command before reaching the last row in the selected matrix.
        • FOR EACH ROW
          Cycles or steps through each row in the selected matrix.
        • GET ROW
          Returns the current matrix row represented as a number for the selected matrix.
        • GET SIZE
          Returns the total number of rows for the selected matrix.
        • INSERT ROW
          Inserts a new row into the selected matrix.
        • NEXT ROW
          Advances focus to the next row in the selected matrix.
          Removes all rows from the selected matrix including any rows from child matrices.
          Pushes the values in the current matrix row to the global field space.
        • SET ROW
          Sets the current row of the selected matrix based upon the value of the selected field.
          Sorts the rows of selected column of matrix to an ascending order (a-z).
          Sorts the rows of selected column of matrix to an descending order (z-a).
        • SORT RESET
          Resets the sort order of the selected matrix.
        • SORT REVERSE
          Sorts the selected column of the selected matrix in reverse order.
          Deselects all rows within the selected matrix.
        • UPDATE ROW
          Updates the currently selected row in a matrix with the values in the fields associated with the columns in that matrix.
      • Session
        Actions associated with session commands.
      • Workflow
        Actions to start, restart and end workflows.
    • Menus
      Helps to organize features, functionality, and content through navigation menus.
    • Page Layouts
      Define the look and feel of compiled pages at run time.
    • Pages
      Comprised of text and objects that represent a customer interaction workflow at run time.
    • Panels
    • Process Flows
      A logical grouping or collection of streams that encapsulate the customer interaction workflow.
    • Streams
      A sequential group or collection of individual pages that encapsulate a portion (or sub-process) of a customer interaction workflow.
    • Workflows
      A visual means for building logical flows for your customer interactions workflows.
  • Interfaces
  • Set Up Guide
  • What’s New
  • Glossary