Archive for 'Knowledge Base'

Using the RiverStar Training Instance on AWS

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Typically, RiverStar clients install and use Studio in a local development environment. However, RiverStar uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) to host our demo and training environments “in the cloud.”

What this means is that our demo/training environments are readily accessible to:

  • Prospective customers for the evaluation of RiverStar Studio
  • Existing customers for a virtual training environment for RiverStar Studio

In order to use the demo or training environments, please follow these steps:

  1. Please talk to your RiverStar representative to register for access.
    If you don’t ...
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SSL Errors when Connecting to RiverStar Servers

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When connecting from a local tomcat instance to one of RiverStar servers, such as when invoking a REST web service hosted on our servers, you may occasionally get this error:


This error indicates that the version of Java that you currently have configured for Tomcat DOES NOT contain the proper root SSL certificate. To fix this issue, simply download the attached zip file and follow the directions in README.rtf.

[wpdm_file id=1 title=”true” desc=”true” ]

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Parsing XML Using the WWGXML Method

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The ability to parse XML in a generic way where you may not know tag names ahead of time.


RiverStar has a utility function, WWGXML, that provides this functionality.  This utility function encapsulates the Java (or C#) method of parsing XML. The added benefit of using this function is that is simplifies the porting of code from Java to C# or vice versa.

The following description is describing things from the java side, but for ...

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Throwing Exceptions on a Database Interface

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Prior to Studio Release 12, database interface exceptions were commonly handled by:

  1. Including a result code field for each database interface.
  2. Confirming the results for each return call of a database interface to decide the action to take (i.e. throw exception).
  3. Executing a special exception workflow with appropriate notifications.

For example, for one RiverStar client we created custom action to execute on every database interface that called an API to check the result code field. If it was set to “1”, the API would ...

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Running Javascript within Tabs

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When you place a tab container on a page with studio it is sometimes desirable to run javascript on the elements contained in the tab when the tab becomes activated.

There is a new event triggered on a tab panel when it activates.

To listen for the event you can do the following:

Where selector is an element in the tab panel.

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Encrypting Data with 2-way Encryption

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In Encryption and Password Functions we described an overview of different types of encryption available in Studio, and in Password Hashing Techniques we described how to securely store passwords for account validation. That works great when you need to verify a password, but it prevents decrypting the original text, so it won’t work for things like credit card numbers that we need to be able to decrypt at a later date.

Studio supplies two types of 2-way ...

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Encryption and Password Functions

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Writing functions that utilize encryption can be challenging. The APIs that are exposed by Java or DotNet have many options, and it’s easy to make a small mistake that has the effect of negating the security you’re trying to add to your application.

We’ve developed a set of common functions that do all the hard work for you to call the lower level encryption APIs. These security functions are exposed as static methods on a new helper class, WWGCrypt. These functions ...

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Password Hashing Technique

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In a previous Knowledge Base article, “Encryption and Password Functions“, we described – at a high level – some of the helper functions we have available to simplify the use of encryption in your API interfaces. In this post, we will take a closer look at the first set of functions that are available to you: password hashing.

When to use Password Hashing

You should use password hashing when ever you want to check ...

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Available Compile Packages

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RiverStar Studio offers a variety of compile packages that specify how your web application is packaged after being compiled.The available values include those listed below and are filtered based upon the value of the Code Target property within the Target Environment property sheet:

  • Child Zip File – Create a zip file that is deployable within a parent project book. This is the unit of deployment used for deploying child project books into RI. (Use for Java or C# target environments)
  • Parent Project ...
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Collaboration Set Up

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The Studio v11.1 collaboration feature utilizes the Subversion as its engine. Subversion is a software versioning and revision control system distributed under an open source license. Developers use Subversion to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and documentation.

NOTE: This procedure only applies to Studio v11.1 and later. Prior versions of Studio (prior to v11.1) used the Concurrent Versions System (CVS) for the Studio Collaboration engine.

RiverStar Studio provides direct interfaces with the Subversion software. ...

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