Can I interface with my CRM system?

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Studio provides support for the following CRM systems:

  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • SugarCRM
  • RightNow Technologies

For Microsoft Dynamics and SugarCRM, please use the CRM interface object. If you need to interface with RightNow Technologies, please use the RightNow interface object.

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What programs need to be installed?

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The exact programs to be installed depends upon whether you are setting up a Java or a C# development environment.

For a complete set of setup procedures, please see the Studio Setup Guide.

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How can I get more detailed logging?

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Logging within Studio is controlled by the property configuration settings within the respective Target Environment.

To enable logging within Studio:

  1. Within Studio, go to Settings > Target Environment.
  2. Open the desired target environment from the list.
    You may only have one default target environment.
  3. Locate the Trace Options section within the property sheet for the respective target environment.
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How can I use custom code to communicate with the server?

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Custom code can be used to communicate with the server.

In this example, we’ll show you how to communicate with the server by making an Ajax jQuery call using REST in javascript:

For additional information, visit

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How can I work with stylesheet and javascript resources?

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RiverStar Studio provides a local folder at design-time that is reserved for supplemental project resources, such as stylesheets, images and javascript files. At design time, this resource folder resides within individual project book folders (relative to the default location), for example:


  •  username is the username account on the local development environment
  • default_location is the Studio default location (as specified within Studio)
  • project_book is the name of the corresponding project book

At runtime, the web folders reside within the web server application folder in your ...

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How do I set and/or get a cookie?

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Getting and setting session cookies can be accomplished by using Studio’s Request Object (wwgRequestObj) support function.

The function is called as follows:

Please refer to the Functions section of the support site for this and other available support functions.

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Where can find information on various support functions?

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RiverStar provides a number of support functions for customers to use. Various functions are available for the manipulation of strings, dates, numbers and more. All support functions can be called from within Actions, Page Load, Page Unload, Render, Custom Field Types, and API Interfaces.

For a complete list of functions, see the “Support Functions” section of the RiverStar knowledge base.

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How can I use a map to load XML?

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  • using LOAD_MAP action
  • Set parameters
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How to make a REST service?

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  • Create workflow
  • Properties > Enable REST
  • Set return type (must select field, map or page)
    • That sets Content Type property
  • Set return field/map/page property



Reference examples:

  • Map – mohammed’s shopping cart example
  • Field – tbd
  • Page – tbd
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How do I create a module?

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How to create a module


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