Knowledge Base

How can I work with stylesheet and javascript resources?

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RiverStar Studio provides a local folder at design-time that is reserved for supplemental project resources, such as stylesheets, images and javascript files. At design time, this resource folder resides within individual project book folders (relative to the default location), for example:

C:\Users\{username}\Desktop\{default_location}\Project Books\{project_book}\WWG common Web Folder


  •  username is the username account on the local development environment
  • default_location is the Studio default location (as specified within Studio)
  • project_book is the name of the corresponding project book

At runtime, the web folders reside within the web server application folder in your local development environment.

Resource Properties

The default locations for resource files can be set within the respective property sheet for pages, page layouts and custom field types. These default locations can be overridden using absolute paths. Semicolons can be used to designate multiple entries within each property.

Javascript Source File –

  • Design timeC:\Users\{username}\Documents\RiverStar Software\WWG\Project Books\{projectbook}\WWG common Web Folder\
  • Runtime: [root]

Cascading Style Sheet –

  • Design time: C:\Users\{username}\Documents\RiverStar Software\WWG\Project Books\{projectbook}\WWG common Web Folder\StyleSheets
  • Runtime: [root]\StyleSheets

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